hjkl - navigation

iIaA - editing in line

xr - making change while in command mode

dd for delete line

G and gg for top and bottom lines

{,} to skip blocks of code

Using numbers to loop command

u for undo and redo

Cntrl+r for redo

yy for copying line

p for pasting line below

P for pasting line above

using dd to cut a line for pasting

use V for visual line mode to select lines

o for inserting the new line below

O for inserting new line above

d+\ to delete characters

w to jump forward words and b to jump backward

\ to jump to specific line

0 for the beginning of the line and $ for the end of the line.

^ for beginning word

W for jumping forward a word (ignore punctuation)

t+\ and f+\ to go to specific character in a line

% to go to specific block parenthesis

c+\ for changing characters

D to delete from cursor to end of line

* to search for other instances

; to go to the next instance of a character when using t,f

zz to center your page based on the cursor’s position

a to insert from the right of the character, i to insert from left

A to insert from the end of the line, I to insert from the beginning of the line

x to delete a character which cursor is on

~ to change the case of a letter

. to repeat the last executed command

r to replace a letter, R to go to replace mode

Commend combo to move a chunk of code from bottom to top

Commend combo to wrap a chunk of code

\ to search for words in the document,n goto next occurrence

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